Formula MC® is recommended for men with baldness problems, oily scalp and very thin hair or hair with a tendency to loss. In women it is recommended for the same problems and there is no contraindication if the hair has been dyed or treated with peroxide.
❖ It is recommended to use this product twice preferably in the morning:
- The first application acts as an astringent to eliminate grease, clarifying that it does not generate much foam, this is normal.
- The second application will generate more foam and should be left to stand for 4 to 5 minutes so that the nutrients can be absorbed by the scalp. This waiting can be done while washing the rest of the body and at the end can be rinsed and dried as normal
❖ To determine the effectiveness of Formula-MC® it is not recommended to mix it with the use of other products whether they are shampoos, conditioners or similar products.
❖ The use of gel, foam or any other product to fix the hair is not recommended, but if required, use only a minimal amount and apply it superficially.
❖ To check the effectiveness of Formula-MC®, it is recommended to take a picture before starting the treatment and successively take a picture every 15 days. It is further suggested that you find a suitable location and take the photos at the same angle and with the same light source for efficient comparative monitoring.
❖ The typical hair growth cycle in a person is 90 days, so after this time the effect of the shampoo will be noticed, clarifying that it could take up to 4 months to see the effects.
❖ The results you can expect from this product are: hair strengthening, increased volume, thickening and reduction of oil on the scalp.
❖ If you have any allergic reaction discontinue treatment.
❖ If you experience dryness after using Formula-MC® you can alternate its use every other day.
The consistency of Formula-MC® is more liquid and lighter than traditional shampoos. This is normal since its formulation does not contain thickening chemicals.